Coming of Age Program For 13 Year-Olds

This year marks a period of transition for our 13 year-olds. They are completing their experiences with the Middler program and preparing to join the Teen program next year, which requires more responsibility and enables more freedom and choice. We will encourage and support them in creating their own unique experiences within the structure of our program and to develop the ability to express themselves in areas such as leadership, cooperation, community building, music and art.

The Coming of Age Ceremony on Friday evening is the celebration of this transition. Parents, siblings, and friends are an integral part of this Coming of Age celebration and are strongly encouraged to attend.

Following the ceremony, the 13s will have some time with the Teens, see TWOB with the Middler staff as a group, and spend the rest of the evening dancing at CACHE, SUUSI’s all-ages, substance-free dance club.

13 Year-Olds Coming of Age Activities

Please note that these are required activities  that lead to participation in the Coming Of Age ceremony and Friday night activities.

Triple Slog bonding trip with the Nature team on Monday. (Note: to be fully inclusive of all participants, an alternate bonding activity is planned should the Triple Slog be inaccessible for anyone.)

Evening programming:

    Mon 8-10pm
    Tues 7-8:30pm
    Friday TBA – Coming of Age Ceremony, followed by TWOB and CACHE

Your 13-year-olds will be returned to your dorm after evening programming by Middler staff. Our safety policy requires that a responsible adult meet them at the door of the dorm, therefore please plan to be present for this or arrange for another trusted adult to meet them.