• 2024 Arrival NUUS

    Welcome to SUUSI 2024: Shine On! We are so very grateful for this time we get to spend together. Let's all lift up our best selves for the shiniest SUUSI ever!

    For some of us, Radford University is a brand new place, for others, a return to an earlier, much loved SUUSI host. We ask all of you to show Radford how we, the SUUSI community, have lifted up the importance of being the best possible guests to our host campus. Eyes and hearts will shine when Radford staff experience our intentional culture shift towards kindness, respect, and appreciation of our hosts.

    Here are a few suggestions to make the most of this precious time we have together. If problems arise, help is a text or phone call away at the SUUSI Helpline (540) 534-1575, 7am - 11pm) or in person at the SUUSI Office in the Pocahontas dorm entrance, 8:30am - 2pm.

    • Keep an eye out for the chance to offer a helping hand to someone who needs it: newcomers, older folks, parents with young children, people with disabilities, and anyone who has their hands full!
    • Remember that we are guests on this campus. Be pleasant and courteous to Radford staff and students. Respect their home. Do not complain, criticize, or make suggestions. Instead, text or call the SUUSI Helpline (540-534-1575) to bring your concerns to SUUSI Staff.
    • When SUUSI is at its most stressful for you (check-in? crowded dining hall? canceled event?), take a moment to pause and reflect on your goals for living in community. Breathe. Assume that everyone around you is coming from a place of good will. Take another deep breath, and then look for a loving way forward.

    Read Full NUUS

    By Communications Team, posted on Saturday July 20, 2024
  • SUUSI 2024 Fall NUUS

    Workshops open NOW

    Staff Applications open NOW

    Workshops close; Jan 3. 2024

    Read the Director's message

    By Communications Team, posted on Wednesday November 15, 2023